Thursday, June 20, 2013

This is just the beginning...

       Bucket lists. Everyone has one. Most of the time we imagine ourselves crossing off the last crazy adventure just in the nick of time before we die. Maybe as we stare into the sunset on a beach where we die peacefully... ISN'T THAT FREAKIN' MORBID?!?!?! Why wait until the end of our time to do all the fun, worth while stuff? Aren't we supposed to do crazy things in our younger life to have crazy stories to tell our grand kids or the random young whipper snappers in our older years? I guess what I am trying to explain is why I've decided to start this Day Zero Project (aka 101 things in 1001 days).

     The idea is that a bucket list should be worked on as much and as soon as possible in life, not when you are at the end of your days. The Day Zero Project pushes that idea further to include wanting to better yourself and those around you and not just crazy stunts and acts of charity. You should be constantly crossing off items on a never ending list in life but the Day Zero Project narrows it down to short term goals that are tangible and feasible in just 1001 days. Like a prize at the end of a short stick being dangled in front of you. Everyone loves prizes!

    The fact is this isn't my first attempted at a Day Zero Project. I tried this before about 2 years ago, but my last list went down in flames before it even started. I hope that by using a blog where other people can keep an eye out on what I am doing I will be able to stick with it longer than 10 minutes. My list is kind of personal (well that's a duh) but I will expand on the items and update as much as possible because well... that's kind of the point. I hope I can have some awesome people help hold me to task while I cross of 101 things in 1001 days.

1. Update and maintain my blogs
2. Learn to speak a foreign language, fluently
3. Get to 170 pounds
4. Save money for Walt Disney World using the 52 week plan
5. Make each of my family members a blanket
6. Sew my own wardrobe
7. Sell at least one painting or large item
8. Finally finish decorating the house
9. Get a nice car
10. Fix my credit
11. Get healthy
12. Celebrate Holi (the Hindu holiday in spring)
13. Celebrate at least one holiday in a different city
14. Visit at least 1 new country
15. Master all 4 Olympic swim styles
16. Meet at least one 'celebrity' I admire
17. Have and keep a job I like
18. Cosplay
19. Get my degree started or even finished
20. Grow a full garden
21. Don't get pregnant or married
22. Make at least one new craft a week
23. Finish my craft room over haul
24. Go all out for Halloween at least one time
25. Hold a holiday party
26. Get back to the weight lifting numbers I was at in high school
27. Completely organize everything
28. Become proficient in ASL
29. Complete at least five 30 Day picture challenges
30. Help 100 different people
31. Volunteer more
32. Go fishing and catch a whooper
33. Learn to shoot a gun well
34. Take Alex out to the archery range
35. Absolutely spoil at least one friend a month
36. Fully stock the game room and hold game nights
37. Win an award/medal/prize
38. Get my own business up and thriving
39. Save at least $3000 from my business
40. Have my bank account padded enough for an emergency
41. Make and hand out 'Blessings Kits'
42. Get in a fight with at least one foreigner face to face
43. Be more outgoing than I already am
44. Learn to play the mandolin and guitar well
45. Teach a class
46. Learn to play at least a few notes on the cello
47. Take as many "just because" classes as possible
48. Make/eat as much different ethnic food as possible
49. Wear makeup everyday for one whole month
50. Learn several manual/ artisan skills
51. Become "famous" for something (good I hope)
52. Perform in front of a crowd
53. Keep a daily diary
54. Dance burlesque at least once
55. Take a dance class
56. Conquer my fear of heights
57. Make one person genuinely happy
58. Donate my hair
59. Go ghost hunting
60. Get a picture of an EF3 tornado
61. Go to a major sporting event
62. Save up for the 2016 Olympics in Rio
63. Get my passport
64. Treat my family to a nice expensive dinner
65. Make decor/decorate for every holiday
66. Go thrifting/garage sale hunting and turn 6 projects around
67. Work on my handwriting AKA learn caligraphy
68. Become CPR and CERT certified
69. Learn to read tarot and palms better
70. Start collecting something
71. Brush and floss at least 2x a day
72. Paint my nails every week
73. Fulfill 1 years worth of seasonal bucket lists
74. Learn how to paint better
75. Start and maintain a book or craft club.
76. Treat my friends better
77. Read more, especially classics
78. See 1 new movie a month
79. Replace as much products at home as possible with homemade
80. Celebrate as much as possible
81. Enhance my memory skills
82. Build Disney movie collection
83. Stock freezer with food
84. Take handyman courses
85. Learn how to fix cars
86. Win one video game all the way through
87. Build a computer
89. Get Cooper back to a fluffy Westie
90. Make and bottle root beer, wine or beer
91. Work on my Tai Chi skills
92. Learn to skate/ice skate
93. Buy an expensive new mattress set.
94. Grow several house plants
95. Give up caffeine
96. Break my soda addiction
97. Take a spontaneous trip by throwing a dart at a map of the USA
98. Clean up my internet image
99. Get my passport
100. Hike/climb a natural wonder
101. Stop chewing my nails

       And there you have it. I have never said I was normal but that it my list. If you want to try your own 101 Things In 1001 Days or learn more head over to Day Zero Project and have a look. Who knows, maybe 1001 days is all it takes to be a better you!

                    " Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
                                                               -Ferris Bueller 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off'